Dr. Mwesezi henry is the regional manager for the comprehensive hiv epidemic control project in the masaka region implemented in partnership with rakai health sciences program (rhsp). Henry joined ucmb in july 2011 as the aids relief transitional medical officer to support uec/ucmb in understanding, setting the ground and all the necessary preparation to coordinate and implement the hiv/aids programs which hitherto were not part of ucmb mainstream work.
Previously henry worked with villa maria hospital in masaka diocese for 12 years both as a medical officer and manager of hiv/aids services in the hospital. He closely worked with masaka diocesan health services, villa maria hospital where he initiated and coordinated the satellite art delivery model for seven lower level health units worked with villa maria to expand access to art. He worked with masaka district contributing to formulation of several policy documents and strategic plans for hospitals as well as other church based institutions and continues to serve as a board member for kitovu mobile ltd and kitovu hospital in masaka district.
Since 2012, henry worked as the deputy chief of party and responsible for programming in the aids care and treatment (act) program with support from centre for diseases control-uganda; implementing a comprehensive hiv project in 19 catholic founded hospitals and 15 lower level units across 30 districts. The six year act program involved intense programming in the areas of service delivery, health systems strengthening aspects, sub-granting and financial management. Additionally, Henry has participated in partnership engagements for UCMB with several organizations including the sister medical bureaus (Protestant, Muslim and Orthodox), contributing to various policy documents and advocacy efforts. He has represented UCMB regionally and internationally in various health related issues.
Since April 2017, Henry leads the Private Not for Profit subsector in the implementation of the HIV epidemic control in the Masaka region covering 45 faith founded facilities in the 12 districts that make up the Masaka region. The facilities belong to the Catholic, Protestant and Muslim medical bureaus. This is in partnership with RHSP.